How our needles can reduce your neuropathy
Neuropathy is a condition that affects the nerves, which often results in pain, numbness, and tingling sensations, especially in the extremities. While medication can be helpful for managing symptoms, many people are turning to complementary or alternative holistic therapies like acupuncture. Learn why!

treatment room talk with tam
We have begun sending out seasonal newsletters to our current patient pool, which includes an anecdote from one of our providers about their recent experiences in the treatment room, Chinese medicine practices or herbs they recently learned about, etc. They will be featured here as well!

Always running to the bathroom? Try Acupuncture!
You could be running to the bathroom for number 1 or 2, and acupuncture can actually help with both! The WHO and NIH have recognized traditional Chinese medicine as effective for reducing symptoms associated with incontinence and other digestive problems.

The Benefits of Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Management
Chronic pain is a persistent issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether it’s back pain, arthritis, or migraines, finding effective and lasting relief can be challenging. One alternative therapy that has gained significant attention for its effectiveness in managing chronic pain is acupuncture. In this blog post, we will explore how acupuncture can help alleviate chronic pain, backed by patient testimonials and scientific research.

Breathe Easier This spring: How Acupuncture Can Alleviate seasonal allergy Symptoms
Seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, affect millions each year. Traditional treatments often include medications that can have side effects. Acupuncture, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, offers a holistic alternative. This section introduces the concept and explains how acupuncture helps

Exploring the Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Acupuncture in Connecticut
Recent studies reveal that acupuncture can significantly reduce inflammation in the body. It works by stimulating specific points on the body, which modulates the immune system and triggers the release of endogenous opioids, reducing the body's inflammatory response.

The Heavenly Heat of Far-Infrared Heating Pads
The first thing I noticed personally when I used a far-infrared (FIR) heating pad was the tingle. It was a familiar tingle since I had just returned from a trip to Iceland with my family. While there, we spent a good deal of time at “The Fontana,” a small, out-of-the-way spa that was completely powered by geothermal heat.

Acupuncture for Stress & Immunity: Just the Medicine for These Anxious Times
The public awareness of acupuncture has grown by leaps and bounds since I first started my practice 13 years ago. This is a testament not only to the profound efficacy of acupuncture, but to its ever-growing acceptance from the conventional medical world. Much of that acceptance is due to a continually expanding field of research proving the benefits of acupuncture for a myriad of ailments.

Amp Up the Healing With Electroacupuncture
I always chuckle a bit at the look of terror that spreads across my patients’ faces when I first tell them I’d like to hook up some of their needles to electricity. I’m sure images of Dr. Frankenstein flash through their minds with high voltage coursing through their bodies.

The Intersection of CBD and Acupuncture
I ran into a former patient of mine (let’s call her Jane) in the grocery store a few months ago. She had stopped regular acupuncture treatments a few years ago once we had resolved both her chronic migraines and severe abdominal cramps (a result of endometriosis). I asked her how she was doing.

Loosen the “Belt”, Lose the Gut
You’ve been eating so well. You’ve been exercising. You’re losing […]

Trying to Have a Baby? Try a Natural Infertility Treatment
We all know couples who have had difficulty trying to […]

How Acupuncture Can Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
We’re willing to bet your list of New Year’s resolutions […]

New Hope for Those with Colitis – Here’s Five Ways Acupuncture Can Help
Your digestive system sets the tone for your overall health. […]

Three Ways You Can Benefit From Cupping Therapy
Stagnant water creates all sorts of problems. It harbors bacteria […]

What Training is Required to Be an Acupuncturist?
Acupuncture is a profession that has given us us wonderful fulfillment knowing that we have helped hundreds of individuals resolve serious health problems in a natural way. This is really what’s at the heart of becoming an acupuncturist—the love of the science behind oriental medicine and the desire to transform the lives of others. Interested in a career in acupuncture? We think you’ll find these insights interesting.

Winter Blues? Acupuncture Treats Depression Naturally
“Ô, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on […]

Is Acupuncture Right for You? Three Questions You Should Ask
If you’ve been following our blog, you know we believe acupuncture can benefit everyone. Whether you’re struggling to get a decent night’s sleep or you want pain relief without the troublesome side effects of medication, acupuncture provides a natural solution to hundreds of problems. But are you still hesitant to try acupuncture?

What is Cupping Therapy and Why Do So Many Athletes Use It?
Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps made a splash at the Rio Olympics for much more than winning gold medals. Photographs show that Phelps had large, red circles along his shoulders and back, prompting many to wonder what was going on. Phelps wasn’t alone. Other athletes, particularly those from China, had similar marks. For those well-versed in the art of Traditional Chinese Medicine, these circles were no mystery. They are a part of a healing process called cupping that goes back thousands of years…