treatment room talk with tam
We have begun sending out seasonal newsletters to our current patient pool, which includes an anecdote from one of our providers about their recent experiences in the treatment room, Chinese medicine practices or herbs they recently learned about, etc. They will be featured here as well!
Tam tells us below about his thoughts surrounding emotion and the mind-body connection:
People often do not realize it is important to have all five emotions in balance (Fear, Grief, Worry, Excitation, Anger). I practice a traditional pulse reading technique to determine which emotion is lacking or overflowing. Humans have a tendency to come across as happy and positive, stifling any sadness, anger, worry, or fear. Others come across as down and negative, struggling to identify things that can inspire joy and peace
These tendencies are often rooted in past experiences and relationship dynamics, and can manifest physically. When I work with a patient, we may be talking about the body, but I am intentional with allowing space for the patient's worries and fears. Crying on the table is a common response to the release that acupuncture provides, and I feel grateful that I can play a role in balancing patients’ emotions.